Grantee Updates

Bravelove – Rick

Wanted to share an update from one of our Grant recipients.

Merry Christmas family

-Richard Baird Lindberg

Hi Rick, 

When it comes to unplanned pregnancies, adoption is frequently misunderstood or even forgotten about.  That’s why our mission is about removing the stigmas around adoption and making it a more supported option within our culture. 

Now, let me tell you a story… (or you can skip ahead and watch this trailer).


Emmah is a 17-year-old high school student from a small town.  Her life includes school, volleyball, hanging out with friends, pep rallies and pretty much living the typical teenage life.

Then she found out she was pregnant.

She said to her mom — “I don’t want to have a baby.  I can’t.”

Reality set in and she began to process this — “I don’t want to take a child’s life away whenever they can be an amazing person — a person I get to know.”

During her pregnancy, Emmah went online and found BraveLove.  After watching the stories on, she was inspired to pursue adoption.  From there, she connected with an adoption agency that was local to her area. 

When our team first met Emmah, it was at a birth mother retreat earlier this year where we captured different women’s stories for our Why Adoption film series.

At that retreat, Emmah stepped up, eager to share her story just a few months after giving birth and placing her son for adoption.

We were blown away by her strength and candor.  From there, our team stayed in touch with her and her family.  They graciously allowed us to document her life and adoption experience this past year. 

This short film will detail the key moments of what her year has looked like, what it means to be a mom, her first visit post-placement with her son and his family.  In between these big, emotional moments are also the normal parts of a teenager’s life… volleyball games, homecoming, the school dance, you name it!

We believe this film about Emmah’s story will change lives.

We can’t wait to share the finished product with you when it’s ready in 2023.  Until then, watch the trailer here:

When you gave to the mission of BraveLove, you have given women a hopeful choice amidst a stressful time.  By supporting BraveLove you made it possible for women like Emmah to find the BraveLove website, watch real stories, and explore the option of adoption for themselves and their child. 

When you donate to BraveLove, you are honoring birth moms who have made the courageous decision in the past and empowering women in the future to know there is no shame in choosing adoption.

Thank you,

Laura Bruder
Executive DirectorBraveLove_signature-email.gif

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